Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Disposable income

Why is automatically thought that if you stay home, or breastfeed, or homebirth, or are an activist, that you have disposable income???

I am so tired of people assuming that everyone who is more naturally minded has all this money to blow? If I read one more "healthy eating" site saying I have to have a Vitamix, Blendtec, dehydrator, or $$$ juicer, to be healthy, one my favorite blogs will have a new great topic "Suburban mom snaps and tells everyone who shops at Whole Foods that they can *$&% off".

When did having money become the only way to "really" live a healthy more crunchy life? Until the past few years everyone I knew that was crunchy was in the middle class at best. No yoga snobs shunning my $10 Target yoga mat. No fellow baby wearing moms shooting daggers because I did not have the newest wrap. No one trying to convince me that my $18 cloth diaper was not good enough because it was not the $25 one made by a WAHM (Work At Home Mom).

Ok my toddler wore pull ups for almost a year while she teetered back and forth between her cloth diapers and panties. Yes that does say "almost a year". Drinking from her plastic, don't worry it was BPA free, sippy cup, did not cause her to grow boobies. I am sorry but $15 for a metal cup, I did buy one once and it was lost instantly, is INSANE!!! I just do not get the need to spend a ton of money to be natural, or back to basics. Can someone please explain this to me?

Now the new thing is some method of cleaning using water and vinegar and a magic microfiber cloth. Surly I must be in the know now, I have been doing this for years. But no, there are cleaning parties. CLEANING PARTIES???? Really???? Oh it gets better, the magic is in the cloth. A microfiber cloth. What makes my microfiber cloth inferior? Well because it is not this magic cloth. Really a magic microfiber cloth. Well dam, that must be one special cloth. This special cloth is not cheap either, oh and they sell accessories, and of course cleaning products. Just incase pulling out your own vinegar and water is not good enough. I am sure there are all kinds of reasons why what you have is not.

When did recycling, buying your food from a farmer at a farmers market, making a smaller footprint,  using cloth diapers, breastfeeding, and making an informed choice about birth become a marker for the elite?

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